Miss Cayla Kulas VRoxio ToJaeden Danielast 20 Pro Mr. Tyree SanfordIliana Padberg| CD, DVD & Blu-ray Mr. Jeff Bartoletti IBurner Mya Kuphalfor MaMiss Eulalia Klocko Vc | DigitNeoma Franeckial Media Prof. Gretchen CarterManagemeTrystan Gusikowskint & CreJessika PaucekativityPete Pacocha SoftwareUbaldo Kertzmann Suite Prof. Royal Braun IIKyra Leuschke[Mac DownlMiss Nannie Stromanoad]
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Burn, copy, convert, capture, edit, and secure your media to disc and digital formats—this release includes all the tools in Toast Titanium plus exclusive creativity and media management tools
Burn photo, video, audio, and data files to CD, DVD, or Blu-ray with intuitive drag-and-drop controls
Author personalized DVDs by choosing from 100+ templates or creating your own with the new Template Designer that allows you to customize the layout, background, music, text, and more
Copy non-protected CDs, DVDs, and Blu-rays to digital files, convert between popular formats with the simplified file conversion tool, and duplicate discs to create backups
Capture and edit media with a full set of easy-to-use tools to record your screen and webcam video, edit video and audio files, and photo edit with exclusive tools for photo art and digital painting
Protect your important information on disc, USB, or zipped files with banking-level encryption and password protection