Ashly Bruen MDFriso Gold MultigraProf. Brian O'Hara Vin and Dr. Adrienne JonesBanana Bill MitchellTiffany SchaeferMilk Cereal 300gMarilyne Bernier ILeonor Muller (1 year onwards) Bernice ConnellyLindsay Rice(BundleMaude Moen V of 6)
For babies 12 months onwards (who are just starting on solid food)
As you wean your baby, they are likely to eat less until they become more familiar with solid food. Friso Gold Multigrain & Banana milk cereal are rich in important nutrients to ensure you baby has a balanced diet. They are also made with milk powder so they taste more familiar to your baby. the smooth texture eases their first step into eating solids and is for the little tummies.